Metabolic Testing
By Tim Long
It’s a common excuse… people claim they can't lose weight because their slow metabolism keeps them from burning off the pounds. Now thanks to a quick and easy test, most are finding that it’s not their metabolism, but they are they're eating too much and exercising too little.
I assumed I had a fairly robust metabolic rate. I actually weigh less than I did in college, and let's just say that I'm not afraid of food. So, when I arrived at Total Nutrition Technology’s Matthews location,within DownSize Fitness and Personal Training, I was surprised to notice I felt nervous. What if my resting metabolic rate is actually low? Will I automatically start gaining weight with that knowledge? Just the same, I entered the training facility and was promptly ushered into a room with a small table, chair, and a medical-looking machine, shiny white plastic and metal with buttons, openings for tubes, and some cables dangling from the back.
After Angela Gallo gives me the overview and instructions, she clips my nose shut with pinchers and gives me a tube to put in my mouth telling me to 1. only breath through my mouth (easy enough with my nose pinched shut), 2. I'll probably drool, so here's a tissue (great), and 3. sit calmly and breath normally for 10 minutes like this.
A long 10 minutes goes by and a beep signals the end of the test. In an instant I have a printout of my results. It seems I have a resting metabolic rate (or Resting Energy Expenditure) of 1915 calories per day, which means I would burn 1915 calories just sitting on a sofa for 24 hours in a vegetative state. That's 15% above average or about 300 calories more than someone of my build and age. Add to that my job activities and exercise and we're talking about a good amount of calories used up every day, "extra fries please".
“Knowing that resting metabolic rate takes the guesswork out of making a diet and exercise plan,” says Angela Gallo, president of Total Nutrition Technology. “Dietitians, nutritionists and trainers can make specific recommendations for clients who want to lose, or gain weight based on the results of the metabolic test.”
The metabolic test is also beneficial for people wanting to increase lean muscle mass or manage hormonal imbalances better.
My test was taken at Total Nutrition Technology’s Matthews location, managed by Nancy Ulmann, RD, LDN, in DownSize Fitness and Personal Training. The metabolic test can be taken at any one of Total Nutrition Technology’s seven Charlotte area locations.
Mention this article and receive 10% off any of Total Nutrition Technology’s health and nutrition services and also receive a complimentary nutrition assessment.
Celebrating 15 years in business, Total Nutrition Technology provides comprehensive nutrition and exercise programs for individuals interested in achieving optimal health and specific sports performance goals. Total Nutrition Technology has locations in the University area, Southpark, Ballantyne, Matthews, Cornelius, Davidson, Mooresville, and Rock Hill and licenses its proprietary program to health professionals across the country.
For more information please visit www.tntgetfit.com or call (704) 549-9550 for more information.
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