Tim Long
Athleticore is the baby of designer Nick Frank. He was kind enough to brand it for Racescapes Events' use almost four years ago (hard to believe it's been that long).
Athleticore features an athletic event and training log for all kinds of athletes, whether they be runners, bikers, swimmers, ball players, weightlifters, or whatever. You can track your races, the mileage on your shoes, nutrition, sleep patterns, it's endless.
I've been using it since 2004. I have to admit that it's a difficult thing to face when you're injured or just in a funk with your training, because it doesn't lie. There are so many features about it that I like but some of the main ones are the ability to see others' logs and entries. I often read Anton Krupicka's, who does 200+ miles per week of running. The guy has destroyed the field the last two years at the Leadville 100 Mile foot race. I also read Brian Sell's (2:10 marathoner, 3rd place in the recent marathon Olympic trials). It's inspiring. I also look at the entries of friends and people I know.
Athleticore's online log, and the sense of community Athleticore fosters among its members is like a giant running club with smaller groups being formed within it.
To access the Athleticore log and become a member, simply visit http://athleticore.racescapes.com and click the JOIN link. Use promotional team password: "racescapes" and your membership will be free!
I wish I could access my Athleticore information today. It looks like the site is down. 12/13/10
Totally! What is up with athleticore being down? Any word on what is going on and if/when it will be back up?
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