Race reviewer, Jim Payne, continues his coverage of the Frosty 5k Series at the second event of three on McAlpine Creek Greenway's 5k course.
Frosty 5k, February 2, 2008
By Jim Payne
Today was the second race in the Frosty 5k series. It was held in scenic McAlpine Creek Park. The park is very robust with soccer fields, a dog park, plenty of walking trails and an excellent cross country 5k course. This is the same place that the Wendy's Invitational Cross Country race is held. The first 5k race was at Mallard Creek and the third and final 5k race is going to be held at Freedom Park.
Showing up at 8am, the temperature was around 30 to 35 degrees. A very cool start was on the docket. Charlotte Health and Fitness organized the start of the race just as they did before. This is good as once you have something that works and works well, no need to change it. They had a very organized and orderly pre-registration and day of registration tables. Also was the every present chip pickup table. Surprisingly enough there were no long lines, even though there were many people running. This was a testament to the many volunteers present. Just as before, the race packet was put together with good info and trinkets. They included another box of raisins and a long sleeve shirt. My daughter "confiscated" my first race shirt and I am sure this one will find the same fate.
With the cool weather I struggled with deciding what to wear. Long sleeve tech shirt or short sleeve? Shorts or long pants? Hat? It really is funny, looking back, how much you can worry about something like long sleeves or short. I ended up wearing a long sleeve tech, long pants and of course, my Sharksbite singlet. I met up with Marcus and Alba (Marcus' wife) and we walked over to the start line together. The sun was out but it was cold. I was resigned to the fact that this was just going to be a cold run. But a cold run is so much better than no run.
This time, the race director organized everyone at the start line. He made the usually announcement. Follow this arrow, look for this sign, don't get hurt, have fun, etc... Then he organized everyone. Very informal but yet, very effective. If you run sub 7 minute miles, get up front. If you run 8 and 9 minutes miles, start here. If you have a baby jogger, please start here. In my previous race report I talked about the family environment. Well, that held true with this event. Everyone lined up where they should. Honesty was certainly winning out which made me smile. We all have seen the up front runners having to dodge someone, someone like me, who is not in the same league. Hence why I always start in the back. Everybody took a minute and reorganized the start line. Then the race director counted down from 10 and we were off!
Once I got going I warmed up significantly. The first mile and a half was flat. Everyone spread out and fell into a running groove. It was cool outside, the sun was shinning bright and the air was clear. We were out running in a park and enjoying ourselves. I knew then this was going to be a good morning. I passed the first mile marker and looked at my watch. 8:16 and I thought, no wonder I was starting to get warm. I was running much faster than normal. There was only one hill to speak of and it was around 1.5 miles into the run. The last mile and a half was spent running around the lake and a soccer field. At one point I came up behind a guy who was walking. We had been passing one another back and forth for the last mile or so. I just said, "Come on. Let's go go go." He started running again and never stopped all the way to the end. Since someone helped me in the same way in the last race, this was my chance to "Pay it Forward". I came around the lake for the last time and crossed the finish line at just under 28 minutes.
Of course, Marcus was already cooled down by that time but we ran an extra lap around the lake anyway. Then we waited around for the awards ceremony. Wingate University cleaned town. They had their cross country team out and they were, well, fast sort of falls short of describing them. Still, Marcus placed second in his age group. Another coffee cup award for his Frosty 5k collection.

This was another good race by Charlotte Health and Fitness. They had good food at the finish line and plenty of water. Lots of volunteers and excellent race management. I hope they continue to structure more race series after the final Frosty 5k. They are good at directing the races and the races are good for the community. No reason not to have a 5k each and every month. Hint, Hint, CHF.
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