Run Together - You'll Never Want To Run Alone Again
Tim Long
Now that it's light out in the evenings, come join a group of nice people for a run!
Sharksbite Road Runners Weekly Run Schedule
For the trail run message board click HERE
Mondays: 6:30pm: The Monday night run that one person just wouldn't let slip away is back full force! The Wolfman Pizza Monday Night Run. This is the only scheduled run through the beautiful Museum neighborhood in Myers Park. A challenging and invigorating 5.5 mile course through wide, tree-lined boulevards. The ringing of the half hour on the church bells across the street signify the start.
Tuesdays (Yes, Every Tuesday) 6:30pm: Trail Run Group - 3 to 6 miles. Renaissance Park, 1536 W. Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC (2nd entrance on right heading west from Tryon St.)
**Drive to the back of the parking lot where the softball fields are on your left. Trailhead is located is located back off the right side of the parking lot...
Wednesday 6:00pm: Group run 6@6 group. Starts at Charlotte Running Co.
Thursdays : Great White Grand Prix New weekly points series beginning April 3rd! New course. Timed fun run every Thursday night. Receive points just for participating, get more points for performance, get even more points for "special events" like team relay events, urban assault runs, themed runs, and Mako Mile Runs. Want more info? Sign up for email updates on the home page at http://www.sharksbite.com
Saturdays : Various locations and distances. Your best bet is to post on the message board Here with info on where you'd like to run and description, i.e. "McAlpine Creek Park for 4-8 miles", so you'll have some company. After the run we typically head out for some breakfast/brunch. Often we'll be doing some very long runs of 20+ miles... Check out Native Trail Gods for trail run/hike adventures.
Sundays at 9am. : Various locations and distances. Your best bet is to post on the message board Here with info on where you'd like to run and description, i.e. "McAlpine Creek Park for 4-8 miles", so you'll have some company. After the run we typically head out for some breakfast/brunch.
Check out Native Trail Gods for trail run/hike adventures on weekends.

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