Weekly Group Runs and New Thursday Night Timed Fun Run
Trail Running
For the Native Trail Gods trail running group click HERE (www.nativetrailgods.com)
You'll have to join Facebook (you can join and keep your profile private)
This week join us for a mini trail run/hike adventure at Kings Mountain
New 4.44 Mile Thursday Night FREE Timed Run Beginning April 3rd
Great White Grand Prix New 16 week points series FOR ALL ABILITIES beginning April 3rd! New course HERE Timed fun run every Thursday night. Receive points just for participating, get more points for performance, get even more points for "special events" like team relay events, urban assault runs into downtown and back, themed runs, and the Mako Mile Run on a local track. Bring a change of clothes and a few bucks for beer and food and, of course, socializing after the run. Sharksbite is the first and only club to offer this Boston-style timed weekly fun run in Charlotte. We've had weekly crowds averaging 50 people before with one of our runs topping 100 people (St. Pats Day). There's a water stop at the halfway point, which happens to be Charlotte running and real estate icon, Brenny Thompson's house.
Series T-shirts to everyone who completes at least 12 of the 16 series events, so don't miss the first one on April 3rd at 6:30PM.
Meet at the Dilworth Gardens parking lot (where Charlotte Running Co. and Talley's Grocery reside).
Awards, giveaways, and more fun than a greased pigglet!
Regular Weekly Group Run Schedule
Mondays: 6:30pm: The Monday night run is back full force! The Wolfman Pizza Monday Night Run. This is the only regularly scheduled run through the beautiful Museum neighborhood in Myers Park. A challenging and invigorating 5.5 mile course through wide, tree-lined boulevards. The ringing of the half hour on the church bells across the street signify the start. Here is the course map. And Here are directions on the location.
Tuesdays (Yes, Every Tuesday) 6:30pm: Trail Run Group - 3 to 6 miles. Renaissance Park, 1536 W. Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC (2nd entrance on right heading west from Tryon St.)
**Drive to the back of the parking lot where the softball fields are on your left. Trailhead is located is located back off the right side of the parking lot...
Wednesday 6:00pm: Group run 6@6 group. Starts at Charlotte Running Co. Click here for course map.
Thursdays : Great White Grand Prix New weekly points series beginning April 3rd! New course. Timed fun run every Thursday night. Receive points just for participating, get more points for performance, get even more points for "special events" like team relay events, urban assault runs, themed runs, and the Mako Mile Run on a local track. Want more info? Then come to the first run on April 3rd.
Saturdays : Various locations and distances. Your best bet is to post on the message board Here with info on where you'd like to run and description, i.e. "McAlpine Creek Park for 4-8 miles", so you'll have some company. After the run we typically head out for some breakfast/brunch. Often we'll be doing some very long runs of 20+ miles... Check out Native Trail Gods for trail run/hike adventures
Sundays at 9am. : Various locations and distances. Your best bet is to post on the message board Here with info on where you'd like to run and description, i.e. "McAlpine Creek Park for 4-8 miles", so you'll have some company. After the run we typically head out for some breakfast/brunch.
Check out Native Trail Gods for trail run/hike adventures
Trail Running & Hiking
For the Native Trail Gods trail running group click HERE (www.nativetrailgods.com)
You'll have to join Facebook (you can join and keep your profile private)
This week join us for a mini trail run/hike adventure at Kings Mountain
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