Monday, February 25, 2008

Crowders Mountain Trail Run – Run Report

Crowders Mountain Trail Run – Report

Feb. 24, 2008

Tim Long

After a beautiful day Saturday with sunny sky and 60 degrees, Sunday brought overcast and clouds in for our fun run. A few people said they couldn’t make it at the last minute, at least one other person came down with the flu that everyone, including myself, seems to have had this week, and I imagine a couple other folks looked at the weather and came up with better ways to spend their Sunday.

In attendance were Shashi, Greg, Bo, and me. Even though it was a smaller turnout than last week I was happy to note that everyone was new, so if we can get everyone out together, we’ll have a fairly large group. We got underway at about 10:15AM. Shashi is a good, steady runner and likes to run at a slower pace, so he was a bit behind us at the start. Greg, Bo, and I stayed together the entire first 11 miles.

The course itself is more challenging than I remember it from the one time I ran it a few months ago. The first two miles are on a fire road that climbs all the way to the radio tower at the summit. Once at the radio tower, you make your way onto single track trail that takes you by the rocky ledges where the view is substantial. Then you descend the 336 wooden steps where you have to pay attention since they are at different heights and spread out irregularly.

After the steps I was leading the three of us at a good pace. And then "Wrong Way Timmy" juts off onto a side trail that goes nowhere. Bo followed, of course, because I’m sure he assumed no idiot would go off the main trail. Greg promptly passed us while we made our way back up onto the trail. Greg then proceeded to turn up the gas on the pace and we burned up the last three miles to the main welcome center. We maintained that pace for the most part coming back over the summit, down the fire road to where we started. Eleven miles, climbing and descending Crowders twice in 1 hour 32 mins (45 mins out, 47 mins back). Not bad. That pace would get you first place at the Crowders 50k (though you’d have to run what we just did three times).

Greg had to get home, so he was good with the 11 miles. I had planned on doing it twice, so I threw on an extra short sleeve shirt, since it was getting colder and damper out. Bo was unsure about a second trip, because he was just coming off a PR marathon the weekend before. When he started back up the fire road with me, I thought he’d turn around at the summit and return. He ended up sticking it out all the way to the other side of the mountain, though he’d forgotten to bring any food and was starting to bonk. I ran easy enough so I never got too far in front of him. I let him know that I planned on pushing pretty hard for the return trip to the cars, so when we left the main welcome center for the return trip, and our fourth time climbing up and over Crowders, I started in on my own pace right away.

It was a lot of fun grinding it out with 16 miles already on my legs. I was surprised how strong I felt after a week of fevers and being sick, but I was flying until I came to those damn 336 steps. I got stuck behind a few people who seemed happier complaining about the steps than just climbing up them and getting it over with. Once past them, I put everything I had into the last couple miles to finish the last section in 44 mins. Bo came in 15 mins after and had taken a short cut. He was only concerned with getting home and eating burritos.

I only saw Shashi once out on the trail, so I hope he made it home...

So, my stats for the day: 22 miles, 3,200 ft of climb and 3,200 ft descent for total elevation change of 6,400 ft!! Done in a time of 3 hours 10 mins. Not too shabby.

Oh, and I ran down that wrong trail AGAIN on the second circuit. I need GPS surgically implanted in my forehead.

Next week: Dutchman’s Trail Delight Run/Hike, Uwharrie National Forest. All abilities! Mileage options up to 24 miles. Out and back, so you can turn around at any time to cut the mileage. Info at Native Trail Gods

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